Progressive Pest Control

Progressive Pest Control contacted playthink through a word-of-mouth recommendation. As a new company, Progressive was looking for an affordable website to promote their new business. Progressive had an existing logo so after some consultation we listened to the goals and objectives and presented an option to meet expectations. The pest control market has some established companies. playthink did some competitive analysis and developed an art direction that would help separate Progressive from the competition. The key was making the content accessible and interesting without the typical "ick" factor associated with pest control. playthink developed a content strategy to help inform customers and utilized illustration to make the subject approachable. We developed the search engine strategy and optimized the site for a simple user experience focused on converting views into customers. A few weeks layer, Progressive Pest Control had a new website. Progressive has seen incremental growth and demand with many customers referencing the website as a deciding factor.

ProjectProgressive Pest ControlDate2017ServicesBrand Development, Copywriting, Art Direction, Web Design and